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State Training Teams Meet to Discuss Challenging Behaviors Students Bring in Today's Classrooms

State Training Team Network of RRTC-PBS team member shares  success stories of her program.



Thanks RRTC-PBS!

You have done so much for me that I have been able to help others on a few occasions. Until the cure comes our way, we must comfort, support and help one another.  I have my eyes open for newcomers. 
The seminars were very informative and well organized.  The retreat was needed more than I realized. All the work and time you put into this project - I'm sure I speak for all - is PRICELESS!  Continue being a blessing to parents that have recently been told about Autism and their child.  

Jose & Evelyn Torres


At a recent meeting of the State Training Team Network of the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Positive Behavioral Support (RRTC-PBS) held the week of August 19th, training teams from 23 states met to discuss ways in helping expand the support teachers, related services personnel, administrators, and family members need to address the challenging behaviors students bring in today's classrooms.

The Positive Behavioral Support Project works with students who have disabilities and significant behavior challenges. It is used when a pattern of dangerous, destructive, or highly disruptive behaviors exist, the behavior results in exclusion from integrated activities, and difficulties persist despite less comprehensive or systematic approaches.

The behavioral support teams include individuals with extensive knowledge in behavioral support and familiarity with particular local and state issues. The team works to identify what the student is saying or doing that is problematic, determines what extent these behaviors are occurring, and what goals the team hopes to achieve through intervention.

The RRTC-PBS website provides additional information about the national research and training effort. A variety of resource materials can be downloaded, including a fact sheet and information on team training and technical assistance. For additional information, contact Don Kincaid at (813) 974-6440.

The RRTC-PBS is located within the Department of Child and Family Studies. The Department of Child and Family Studies (CFS) is a department of the Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida. The faculty and staff of CFS are committed to enhancing the development, mental health and well-being of children and families through leadership in integrating research, theory & practice.

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