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CFS's Dr. Krista Kutash Steps Down from IRB after 12 Years of Service

Dr. Krista Kutash, Professor in the Department of Child and Family Studies is stepping down as Chair of the USF Social and Behavioral Institutional Review Board (IRB). Dr. Kutash has been a member of the IRB for 12 years, and Chair of the IRB for the last two years. Asked why, Dr. Kutash is quick to point out “It’s time for new blood. New IRB members bring new insights and perspectives to assist the IRB administration.”

Dr. Kutash, a nationally recognized children’s mental health services researcher, has always made time to volunteer her to time to serve on the IRB. “It’s the responsibility of all researchers to help USF administration understand the researcher’s perspective. It’s a voice that needs to be heard, especially if we are going to continue USF's classification as a top tier research university. Learning about the variety of research projects conducted across the campus has been enjoyable.”  

As Chair of the IRB during the last two years, Dr. Kutash has helped orient an entire new leadership team within the IRB office and helped facilitate faculty convert to the new electronic application process.  “I’ve enjoyed helping researchers assure the safety of their subjects while simultaneously facilitating their research efforts. I encourage all researchers on campus to become involved with the IRB.”

All universities, hospitals, and other institutions that conduct or support human subject research must have that research reviewed by an IRB. The USF Social and Behavioral IRB holds authority for the review, approval and continuing oversight of human subjects research that involves procedures or data collection that are non-invasive in nature. Examples of human research activities reviewed by the Social and Behavioral IRB include quantitative research, epidemiologic research, educational research, psychological research, and research stemming from areas within the arts and sciences such as anthropology, sociology, or engineering.

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