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The First Six Months: Initial Report Sets Baseline for Florida's IV-E Waiver Program

Since 2001, CFS has conducted the annual evaluation of Florida's privatized child welfare, the Community-Based Care program (CBC). Now CFS has expanded this contract with Florida's Department of Children and Families to evaluate the state's IV-E Waiver Demonstration program. The Waiver Demonstration program allows Florida's 20 CBC lead agencies to spend federal dollars previously earmarked for out-of-home care on an array of prevention and diversion services.

The purpose of the evaluation is to determine the effectiveness of an expanded array of child welfare services and supports in improving permanency and safety outcomes for children in or at risk of entering out-of-home placement. The IV-E Waiver evaluation is comprised of three related components:a process study that analyzes Waiver implementation and child welfare practice, a cost study, and an outcome study.

The first report released by CFS addresses the first six months of Waiver implementation (10/01/06-3/30/07), and focusses on identification of barriers and challenges related to Waiver implementation, and refinement of the evaluation's theory of change through focus groups with key stakeholders. Initial recommendations include need for additional targeted training for agencies interacting with the child welfare system, development of additional service and supports for children with disabilities, outreach and education on issues of poverty, neglect and abuse, inclusion of caregivers in services planning and collaboration among lead agencies to share innovative approaches.

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